Station Point

Crafting Tune Artifacts

A Warm Focus EP

Posted on | March 30, 2004 | 2 Comments

R-267532-1167739177 Released back in 2004 on Fair Park Record­ings, this was a tag-team with Grey, who con­tributed the A‑sides Aqua Agogo (fea­tur­ing Suza Kan­non) and Doma.

Hit The Nuco is a remix of my old­er track Hit The Rhodes off my Echopro­ject release, fea­tur­ing fel­low NUCO mem­bers Stephanie Ivey (vocals), Frank Topp (effects and turntab­lism), and Clay Rop­er (saxa­phone).

L9house was writ­ten ear­ly one morn­ing in Rea­son while wait­ing to sober up over at Tom­my Scott and Clay’s place.

This release was my first on vinyl, and had a lim­it­ed run of around 2000. I actu­al­ly had to go down to Ill­mat­ic Records and buy a few copies in order to get my hands on this.


2 Responses to “A Warm Focus EP”

  1. Suza Kanon
    March 2nd, 2010 @ 7:59 pm

    i love aqua a‑go-go. its still one of my favorite releas­es. you & sean did an amaz­ing thing with that track 🙂 groovy rainy wonderfulness

  2. SK
    August 3rd, 2014 @ 10:56 am

    Hi, Is there a chance you still have a copy of this record you’re will­ing to part with? I real­ly like but there are non for sale unfortunately.


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