Station Point

Crafting Tune Artifacts

The Plant

Tech-house mini-album The Plant is out on Har­mo­nious Dis­cord. Spar­rowl­izm (Pre­view) Check out the full release at any of these fine loca­tions: iTunes Beat­port Ama­zon eMusic

A Warm Focus EP

Released back in 2004 on Fair Park Record­ings, this was a tag-team with Grey, who con­tributed the A‑sides Aqua Agogo (fea­tur­ing Suza Kan­non) and Doma. Hit The Nuco is a remix of my old­er track Hit The Rhodes off my Echopro­ject release, fea­tur­ing fel­low NUCO mem­bers Stephanie Ivey (vocals), Frank Topp (effects and turntab­lism), and Clay […]


New! Old! Remas­tered! Full album for download.