Station Point

Crafting Tune Artifacts

Ouroboros — Shared System Series

I got a mod­u­lar piece accept­ed on the Make Noise Records “Shared Sys­tem Series” com­pi­la­tion today! The series is intend­ed to show­case artists using the MakeNoise SharedSys­tem rig to make a live com­po­si­tion, with no over­dubs and no exter­nal effects (except an option­al reverb). Here’s my piece: Here’s the patch: And check out the whole playlist […]

Wogglebug + DPO as White Noise Source

So I recent­ly got a MakeNoise SharedSys­tem mod­u­lar rig, and one thing miss­ing from it was an appar­ent lack of the abil­i­ty to make… noise. White noise. How­ev­er, by push­ing the Wog­gle­bug and the DPO’s inter­nal mod­u­la­tion rout­ing to the extreme, you can get some decent-sound­ing white noise. Basi­cal­ly, you turn most of the knobs on […]