MiniCommand, Machinedrum, and OS X
So I’ve had a Ruin & Wesen MiniCommand for a little under a year, but haven’t been using it as much as I would like because it didn’t integrate well with my setup — until last night. The standard way to use the MiniCommand is to connect it in a closed MIDI loop with the device […]
Ableton Live, The Machinedrum and The Monomachine (Part 2): Minimizing Latency
In Part one of this series, I posted tips for getting the Monomachine and Machinedrum synced and recording properly with your Live sessions. The other half of the equation is which operations to avoid that might introduce latency and timing errors during your sessions. Ableton Prints Recordings Where It Thinks You Heard Them I guess this […]
Ableton Live, The Machinedrum and The Monomachine: Midi Sync Notes
Recently I’ve been (going crazy) getting the timing tight between Ableton and two outboard sequencers — the Elektron Monomachine and Machinedrum. On their own, these silver boxes have amazingly tight timing. They can sync to each other to create a great live setup. Add a computer DAW into the loop, and you introduce jitter, latency, and […]