Station Point

Crafting Tune Artifacts

Night EP

Out now on Beat­port via Har­mo­nious Dis­cord Record­ings, fea­tur­ing remix­es by Evan Marc (aka Bluetech) and Patchen Pre­ston. Art­work by ellisett. 1) Aeo­lian Intro 2) C5 3) C5 (Patchen’s Yel­low Fever Mix) 4) Night Groove (Orig­i­nal Mix) 5) Night Groove (Bluetech Remix) 6) D13 7) Talk Is Cheap

Wake Up Tech EP

Out now on Beat­port,  Wake Up Tech fea­tures three orig­i­nal tracks and two dance­floor-friend­­ly remix­es by Point­ben­der (Sean Ander­son) and Gift Cul­ture (Michael Hale). This EP was released under my tech-house alias ‘Chaka­har­ta’. Alem­bé Super­bro­ken Super­bro­ken (Point­ben­der’s Super­ben­der Mix) Super­bro­ken (Gift Cul­ture’s Psytech Mix) Jaz­zstab Album art­work by Jamie Cameron Northrup. Avail­able for Down­load on Beat­port.  Please pass […]