Station Point

Crafting Tune Artifacts

Ouroboros — Shared System Series

I got a mod­u­lar piece accept­ed on the Make Noise Records “Shared Sys­tem Series” com­pi­la­tion today! The series is intend­ed to show­case artists using the MakeNoise SharedSys­tem rig to make a live com­po­si­tion, with no over­dubs and no exter­nal effects (except an option­al reverb). Here’s my piece: Here’s the patch: And check out the whole playlist […]

FX Halos in Ableton Live

This is a very sim­ple trick to do, but not so obvi­ous to fig­ure out that it’s even pos­si­ble.  The idea is to sidechain com­press the pro­cess­ing on a Return bus by its own input sig­nal, in order to clear out some “emp­ty” space around the dry sig­nal. It’s like mak­ing a “breath­ing fx bus”. For […]

Machinedrum Recursive Sampling Test 02

So this is anoth­er exam­ple of using the MD’s inter­nal sam­pler to cre­ate a recur­sive “feed­back loop” of sam­pling and resam­pling and resam­pling.… This has a ten­den­cy of psy­che­del­i­cal­ly twist­ing the under­ly­ing beat.  The way this stuff sounds has real­ly sur­passed my wildest dreams. MD Recurse Test 02

The Plant

Tech-house mini-album The Plant is out on Har­mo­nious Dis­cord. Spar­rowl­izm (Pre­view) Check out the full release at any of these fine loca­tions: iTunes Beat­port Ama­zon eMusic